Sunday lunch without cauliflower cheese? Unthinkable, or is it.

Brace yourself, as mother nature and climate change have joined forces to throw us all an unwelcome Sunday lunch curve ball.

Prices have shot up significantly following the recent erratic weather damaging a high percentage of crops for many growers across the UK.

But all is not lost. Here are a few ways hospitality businesses can continue to deliver a great customer experience without digging any deeper for your caulies..

1. Use the opportunity to spice up your menu with some interesting and tasty alternatives. Leeks Provencal, swede puree or creamed carrot and turnip perhaps?

2. Consider (brace yourself) a good quality frozen option? Great for soups!

3. Look at other suppliers of fresh produce in your area and compare. Some will be more affected that others. Is there a deal to be done?

Drive Procurement have superb relationships with a number of competitive and high quality fresh produce suppliers across the UK to support our clients. Get in contact if you’d like to know more.

Here’s a link explaining more about the cause and scale of the current brassica challenge. Knowledge is power. 

UK cauliflower shortage article