Bamboo on Mars?

The days when bamboo was only thought of as ‘panda food’ have long gone but with so many everyday products now made from this super strong, light and natural plastic-free alternative just how many consumers and businesses are actually aware of the substitutes available and have adopted?

Since the light bulb moment when the manufacturing industry realised how incredibly reliable, versatile, cost efficient and readily available bamboo is, global product innovation truly exploded. Anyone with a clump in the garden will know the speed at which it multiplies, taking over any area it possibly can when your back is turned.

Thanks to campaigns such as Ocean Rescue and the work of young activists like Greta Thunberg, more and more of us are changing our habits and finding a voice to shout out for change in the way businesses purchase. For hotel groups, guests are sending out the same clear message be it on checkout, on social media or through TripAdvisor ratings.. they find throwaway shower gel bottles, wasteful blocks of soap and plastic toothbrushes (to name a few) simply offensive. The tide really has changed but the solutions are out there.

Of course in the interest of good hygiene, guests still need a solution. Banishing these items in favour of empty shelves and surfaces in en-suites won’t wash (pardon the pun). After all, who doesn’t like a hotel freebie or two.. so more and more hospitality businesses are acting by challenging their procurement provider to source plastic free alternatives. Realising the ethical and reputational benefits of finding great substitutes (and getting them in before the competition does).

Stumbling across this article today it seems even the Martians could be enjoying the advantages of bamboo made products at some point, which prompted the thought as to how aware the human race is generally about the great environmentally friendly product choices we now have here on planet earth. Would you know where to go for a bamboo toothbrush?

If updating your bathroom amenities is on the to-do list but not sure where to start, Drive Procurement have superb relationships with ethical and innovative suppliers across the UK. Just get in touch for support with recommendations and help to facilitate some impactful changes which won’t go unnoticed (but without it costing the earth).